domingo, 30 de octubre de 2016

88 cm. x 58. 
Acrílicos sobre madera

88 cm. x 58. 
Acrílicos sobre madera
acrilics on wood

Medidas: 44 cm. x 33 cm.
Acrílicos sobre madera
acrilics on wood

Medidas: 39 cm. x 47 cm.
Acrílicos sobre madera.
Acrilics on wood

Medidas: 39 cm. x 47 cm.
Acrílicos sobre madera.
acrilics on wood

Medidas: 25 cm. x 20 cm.
Acrílicos sobre cartón entelado

This is a portrait I made on wood with acrylics of a woman called July, I met in the street, where she was drawing and painting, she was very nice, and we was talking a lot, I bought her a watercolor and we took a photo.

Medidas: 38 cm. x 24 cm.
Acrílicos sobre madera
$ 1950

This is a portrait I made on wood with acrylics of a woman called July, I met in the street, where she was drawing and painting, she was very nice, and we was talking a lot, I bought her a watercolor and we took a photo.
Medidas: 45 cm. x 35.
Acuarelas y acrílicos sobre bastidor.

This is a portrait I made on wood with acrylics of a woman called July, I met in the street, where she was drawing and painting, she was very nice, and we was talking a lot, I bought her a watercolor and we took a photo.
Medidas 24 cm. x 38 cm. 
Acrílicos sobre madera 
$ 1950

This is a portrait I made on wood with acrylics of a woman called July, I met in the street, where she was drawing and painting, she was very nice, and we was talking a lot, I bought her a watercolor and we took a photo.
Medidas: 45 cm. x 35.
Acuarelas y acrílicos sobre bastidor.

Medidas 70 cm. x 40 cm.
Acuarelas sobre bastidor

Medidas: 30 cm. x 24 cm.
Acrílicos sobre bastidor

Medidas: 61 cm. x 45 cm.
Acrílicos sobre bastidor

This is a canvas of 45 x 65 cm. 
I sticked some fabrics making textures, and leaving space (I think is like air) And then I painted all of this with aluminium synthetic enamel. Available.

Pintura realizada en lienzo de 45 x 65 cm.
He pegado algunas telas haciendo texturas, y dejando espacios vacios entre ellas, creo que es como espacio libre, aire. Luego pinté todo con esmalte sintetico en aluminio
Collage. Esmalte sintetico aluminio.

This is an artwork composed of two parts. two pieces of 57 x 84 cm. each one on papaerboard.
This is the second one. There are some juxtaposed spots of colors like yellow, green, lightblue, and some black spots. Also I used papers of colors and textures.
Available in ArtFair
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Esmaltes sintéticos sobre bastidor 40 cm. x 60.
$ 600


Medidas 44 cm. x 54 cm.
Acrílicos y yeso sobre bastidor
$ 500

Acrílicos sobre bastidor de madera 
Medidas 20 cm. x 20 cm.
$ 300

 Collage de telas sobre chapadur,
esmaltes sintéticos.
68 cm. x 51 cm.
$ 700

Medidas: 45 cm. de diámetro.
Formato redondo
Acrílicos y esmalte sintético en aerosol.
$ 600

Formato redondo
45 cm. de diámetro
acrílicos sobre madera

$ 700

Medidas: 70 cm. x 83 cm. 
Esmaltes Sinteticos sobre chapadur
$ 480

Medidas: 57 cm. x 84.
Acrílicos sobre cartón de 0,5 
$ 500

57 cm. x 84 cm. Acrílicos, pintura asfaltica sobre cartón 0,5
$ 500

57 cm. x 84 cm. Acrílicos sobre cartón.

$ 900

30 x 10 cm. Acríilicos sobre bastidor.

$ 100